Friday, May 1, 2020

National Park Pictures!

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Death Valley National Park, California

 This is a flood zone because it is so low!
 These are salt flats! If you licked it (it was dirty so please don't) it would taste like salt!

If you look closely, there is a small white rectangle just about in the middle of the picture. This is the marker on the cliff wall showing where sea level is compared to how low we are in the salt flats.

Furnace Creek is one of the hottest places in the United States. The temperature you see on the thermometer was 102 degrees Fahrenheit. This picture was taken at 8:00 a.m. which is the "cool" part of the day!

Yosemite National Park, California

We didn't get to read about John Muir (see the trail name) but he was a huge fan of protecting land for people. He helped make sure Yosemite National Park was protected. He is one of my heroes and I'll possibly be doing another read-aloud that features him!

 The waterfall behind me is Yosemite Falls, the tallest waterfall in the United States!

Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

Remember when we learned about Hoodoos while studying weathering and erosion? The article that was shared in class was about Bryce Canyon National Park, but we have them in Oregon in Crater Lake National Park too! 

And the original national park! 
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (and a little in Montana and Idaho)

You had an art project that involved drawing Old Faithful! Here is a little photo play by play as it grows during its eruption! Remember that this geyser sends up steam and hot water!

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